I also got a small booklet that discusses formula and breast milk, showcases their formula products, provides extra resources for breastfeeding (which I find strange for a formula product, personally. Posts may be removed if they violate /r/pittsburgh rules Search and check FAQ before posting. This is what I received with my Enfamil samples: 1- 7.2oz NeuroPro Infant Formula 1- 7.2oz NeuroPro Gentle Ease Infant Formula 2- 5 off coupons. Share news, events, and thoughts with/about the Pittsburgh community. These third parties do not sponsor or endorse this website, its content or services.This is the front page of Pittsburgh's place on the internet, curated by our community. These companies are not affiliated with The Savvy Sampler. Jude said she also received formula she didnt order or request. Get Target coupons for 40 OFF in July 2023 Save Up to 35 on Top Deals Spend 300 at Target and Get a 10 Gift Card Use This 20 Off 100 Target Promo Code.

The third-party product names, logos, brands, and trademarks shown on this website are the property of their respective owners. Annika Connor doesnt have a baby, so she was shocked to get a package of Enfamil baby formula. Offers that are not distributed by The Savvy Sampler are monitored by other entities, and we are not responsible if such Offers are no longer available, change, if you do not receive the Offers, if you do not qualify for the Offers, or if any other issues arise.

Offers distributed by The Savvy Sampler are limited in quantity, and The Savvy Sampler reserves the right to substitute sample product based on availability. Join Enfamil Family Beginnings, and score this great kit plus 60 worth of coupons That’s 250 in free gifts. We cannot guarantee that you will receive any of the Offers that you request, as Offers are subject to availability and are often made by other entities. You can opt out of the sale of your personal information by clicking on the “Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information" link here.ĭeals, coupons, freebies, samples, and other offers (collectively "Offers") change often. This website or its third-party tools process personal data.